Standard #1 Knowledge of Subject Matter

Principle 1: Making content meaningful
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.


 Projects and applied learning can motivate students in the classroom while teaching core content and social skills.    As a teacher lessons will provide opportunities to practice life and work skills and ways to relate what is in the curriculum to the students’ life experience.        


 Researching, discerning value and organizing information empowers students for the discoveries that are part of their future. I may need to create a background experience through classroom or community experiences because of the diversity in today’s classroom I cannot assume all students have the same experiences.        

These examples are areas of science, language arts and math that I have used within lesson plans from K through 5th grade to make curriculum relevant to the classroom.         

Everything changes over time.

 A_Tree Unit_Leaf Lessons      

K5_LP1_lunchtime trash survey